Document Actions

Security - Conflict - Order

Short Description

As regions of conflict, Eastern Europe and the Near and Middle East are in the focus of global interest and global politics. Not only are the relations between the two regions and Western Europe changing and intensifying dramatically, producing tensions and conflict, but also developments in the relationship of the Near and Middle East with Eastern Europe are dynamic and ever more critical. As a result, established perceptions and global ideas of order, in particular the concept of centre and periphery (or peripheries), are questioned. In a historical, cultural and social science perspective, researchers at the interdisciplinary Campus Research Focus “Security -Conflict - Order” undertake an epoch-spanning examination of (trans-)cultural interrelations, mobility, the dynamics of security and the effects of centre-periphery models. Socially as well as politically relevant and founded on historical analysis, this research contributes to a better understanding of current developments and to analysing the problems of a globalised world.

Successful Joint Research

Research Infrastructure

Contact person

Justus Liebig University Giessen
Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender
Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (GiZo)
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10E
35394 Gießen


Philipps-Universität Marburg
Prof. Dr. Eckart Conze
History and Cultural Studies
Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6c
35032 Marburg


Participating Researchers

At Justus Liebig University Giessen

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Bohn
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Bömelburg
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Horst Carl
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Daiber
    Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Gawrich
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Matthias Göcke
    Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Graf
    Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Reinhard Ibler
    Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Nicole Immig
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Mark Kirchner
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Friedrich Lenger
    Centre for Media and Interactivity, JLU

  • Dr. habil. Christian Lotz
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn
    Faculty os Law, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning
    Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Rohdewald
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Tebruck
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU

  • Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann
    Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, JLU
  • Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender
    Faculty of Language, Literature and Culture, JLU


At Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • Prof. Dr. Ursula Birsl
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Buckley-Zistel
    Center for Conflict Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Eckart Conze
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Verena Epp
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Mohammad Reza Farzanegan
    Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fuess
    Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Malte Hagener
    Faculty of German Studies and Arts, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Kampmann
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Kleinschmidt
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Katharina Krause
    Faculty of German Studies and Arts, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Mecking
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, Institut für Hessische Landesgeschichte, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Anika Oettler
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Rachid Ouaissa
    Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Friederike Pannewick
    Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schütte
    Faculty of German Studies and Arts, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Sven Simon
    Faculty of Law, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Benedikt Stuchtey
    Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Weninger
    Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies , UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Werner
    Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies , UMR
  • Prof. Dr. Hubert Zimmermann
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UMR

At Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe 
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger, Director of Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, JLU
  • Dr. Heidi Hein-Kircher,
    Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
  • Dr. Anna Veronika Wendland,
    Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
Contact person

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Prof. Dr. Monika Wingender
Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies (GiZo)
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10E
35394 Giessen


Philipps-Universität Marburg
Prof. Dr. Eckart Conze
Department of History and Cultural Studies
Wilhelm-Röpke-Straße 6c
35032 Marburg
